Monday, March 14, 2005

Extinction of less-improved forms

Pants humor is an essential part of Pharyngula, as a casual search for pants would show:
With these quotes in mind, I present a slightly panted paraphrase of a famous quote.

Contemplate a tangled bank,
Clothed by ranks of diverse plants;
Songbirds perch while insects fly;
Worms are sliding (in its pants).

Watch the bank, observe and think:
Each distinct constructed form
Diff'ring from each other so,
Flock and row and clew and swarm,

Each dependent, one on one,
Intricate, yet under laws
All these forms have been produced
(Even worms loose in its drawers).

Wisdom framed in humor thrives,
Morphs, survives, in rhyme resolved;
These words too? Dare I propose,
"Look here Charles, your prose evolved"?

But, this mutant, mildly droll,
Lonely soul in culture's dance
Cannot hope to spread or breed--
Fitness? Nah, this screed is pants.

(Don't forget to read Tangled Bank #23)


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