Friday, August 12, 2005

To Curse a Creationist

Pharyngula: The most evil curse ever

May your Luddite defiance and techno-anxiety,
Your morals from myth and pretensions of piety,
Irrelevance to an enlightened society
Let everyone know you're a freak.

May your lifetime's disdain for your own education
One day be the source of your mortification--
A breathtaking, gut-wrenching realization
Of your ignorant arrogant pique.

May your paranoid claims and continued insistence
That science suppresses your piece de resistance
Become such a part of your blighted existence
You feel that it's pointless to speak.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Minnesotan Prometheus

Pharyngula: Drunken flies and fish

PZ "von Frankenstein"
Myers exposes his
Ultimate wish:

Tentacles rule after
"Die mortals! So long and
Thanks for the fish."

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Screw the chirality

Pharyngula: Chirality in Euhadra

When old Lefty began to reflect
On his kids, he announced, "I suspect,
Since they're right, you've been screwed
By some dextrous young dude!"
"No it's just my maternal effect."